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There are many volunteer opportunities in Flagler County. From animals to housing we welcome you to come join our ranks of caring, generous, community minded people graciously donating their time to great causes affecting Flagler County and beyond.

volunteer flagler county florida
You CAN volunteer and give back in Flagler County!
Top Volunteers
Flagler Humane Society:

FHS offers many needed services to the Flagler Community, with a focus on protecting and providing safe and loving homes for animals who find themselves without a family of their own. Please remember our homeless pets when considering monetary or volunteer contributions as we are not part of any municipality or government entity. Your support is appreciated and we could not save so many lives without it!

Instagrammer @jurgensenj and her rescue Phoenix

united way flagler county florida

We all have a stake in what befalls our fellow man. We all benefit when a child succeeds in school, when someone finds a job that will help them provide for their family, or when more people are able to access quality, affordable health care.  

The solutions we create for communities around the world go beyond short-term charity for a few.  When United Way’s support for Community Schools helps increase the graduation rate in the Vallejo City Unified School District by 11 percent in just three years, it’s not just the students, or even just the families of those students who benefit. Those proud graduates now have a much better chance of landing a job that pays a livable wage, of staying out of trouble with the law, and of living longer, healthier lives — and that translates into a safer, healthier and more prosperous community for everyone.

We rise or fall together. With your support, we are reaching for great new heights.

RSVP Group

RSVP offers maximum flexibility and choice to its volunteers as it matches the personal interests and skills of older Americans with opportunities to serve their communities.

RSVP volunteers choose how and where they want to serve—from a few hours to more than 40 hours a week. RSVP volunteers provide hundreds of community services, such as:

  • Tutoring children in reading and math;

  • Building houses;

  • Helping get children immunized;

  • Modeling parenting skills to teen parents;

  • Participating in neighborhood watch programs;

  • Offering relief services to victims of natural disasters; and


Helping community organizations operate more efficiently.

RSVP provides service opportunities for those who want to make a difference in their communities while maintaining the flexibility to decide who and how frequently they serve.

Meals on Wheels has been guided by a single goal since the first known U.S. delivery by a small group of Philadelphia citizens in 1954 – to support our senior neighbors to extend their independence and health as they age. What started as a compassionate idea has grown into one of the largest and most effective social movements in America, currently helping nearly 2.4 million seniors annually in virtually every community in the country.

If you are interested in volunteering for these services please contact Senior Services Program Manager Joanne Hinkel at (386) 586-2324 ext. 315.

meals on wheels flagler county florida
Flagler County Education Foundation

Take Stock in Children was established in 1995 as a non-profit organization in Florida that provides a unique opportunity for low-income and at-risk students, many from minority families, to escape the cycle of poverty through education. We offer our students college scholarships, caring volunteer mentors and hope for a better life. Our comprehensive services start in middle school, continue through high school and include their transition into college.

Our program is based on the principal that given extensive support, motivation and accountability, children will work hard to ensure that they graduate from high school and attain a college degree. We fund our college scholarships and student services through a unique public-private fund raising model, and our mentors generously volunteer their mentoring services to our children.

Take Stock in Children's multi-year commitment to at-risk children throughout our state is also an investment in the communities in which our students live. We know that the education of a child is an investment in their future and the assured way of breaking the cycle of poverty. Our goal is to continue to reduce the number of high school drop-outs and to increase the number of students who finish college and enter the workforce successfully.

Since our inception in 1995, Take Stock in Children has demonstrated its success and sustainability by delivering life changing results for our students.

SWAT volunteers flagler county florida
S.W.A.T. Volunteers

Flagler Volunteer Service’s S.W.A.T. team is one of our most valuable and active groups!  The S.W.A.T. team is made up of volunteers who provide support to local special events, community activities, one-day projects, or short-term assignments.

Examples of SWAT Team Activities include:  Bookfairs, Holiday events, Sporting events, Concession Help, Fundraisers, Parades, Beach/Waterway clean ups, Community events, bulk mailings, etc.

Florida Hospital Flagler Auxiliary:

Auxilians share the common goal of providing caring aid and comfort to patients and families as well as assistance to staff that care for patients. The stated purpose of the Auxiliary is three-fold:

  • To provide compassionate service to patients, hospital staff and community

  • To serve as goodwill ambassadors for the hospital

  • To fulfill fundraising pledges to the hospital for equipmehases, education, services and building projects.

The Auxiliary offers a wide selection of volunteer opportunities. This variety allows volunteers to apply talents, skills and interests in compatible service areas. Here’s a sampling of how your neighbors are serving our community hospital:

  • Cancer Resource Center

  • Emergency Department

  • Food and Nutritional Services

  • Information Desk

  • Laboratory

  • Mail Room

  • Nursing Stations

  • Pastoral Care

  • Patient / Visitor Services

  • Surgical Services

  • Tiny Treasures Gift Shop

  • Transport

Flagler County Habitat for Humanity:

Flagler Habitat for Humanity believes that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. We build and repair houses all over the world using volunteer labor and donations. Our partner families purchase these houses through no-profit, no-interest mortgage loans or innovative financing methods.

Habitat for humanity flagler county florida
Flagler Cats:

We serve Palm Coast, Bunnell, and Flagler Beach in controlling feline population. Established in 2003, we are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization dedicated to enacting ethical, non-lethal and effective polices to reduce feline populations. We rely solely on financial resources through donations and fundraisers. We strongly believe in Spay/Neuter. We have foster homes for our adoptable pets. A pantry is also offered to anyone who is in need of food for their cats.

Flagler Cats is committed to the humane management of homeless feral cats utilizing the TNR program – trap, spay/neuter, vaccinate and return to their original environment. We are committed to assisting and educating the public about feral cats through our meetings, newsletter and website.

Our Vision:


  • Reduction of homeless/feral cats in our community.

  • Prevention of the birth of thousands of homeless kittens.

  • Assurance of a better quality of life for homeless/feral cats.

  • Education of the public about the non-lethal approach to animal population management.

  • Reduction of nuisance calls, feline euthanasia at Flagler County.

  • Animal Control and the associated cost to our community

  • Reduction of feline communicable disease in our community.

Humane Society
United Way
RSVP Group
Meals On Wheels
Education Foundation
Florida Hospital
Habitat For Humanity
Flagler Cats
flagler county schools
Flagler County Schools:

Flagler County Schools is looking for dedicated, caring individuals who are willing to volunteer in the schools, mentor or tutor students and are looking to make a difference in  their community and to the students who most need them.  Let us help match you to the opportunities that best fit your passions, skills, and experience. 

Volunteering is all about sharing life experiences. Whether you offer a specific skill, passion, or gift of your time, Flagler County Schools has the volunteer opportunity that fits your skills and experience. 

  • Volunteering is all about sharing life experiences. Whether you offer a specific skill, passion, or gift of your time, Flagler County Schools has the volunteer opportunity that fits your skills and experience. 

  • The active participation of families, business leaders and community members in the classroom extends the effectiveness of teachers and staff.

  • Volunteers also help the district to deliver valuable services to students and schools that would not be possible without the support of the community

Flagler County Schools
Flagler Emergency Operations Center

Volunteers make a difference! Without trained and organized volunteers government cannot properly respond to or recover from the impacts of large disasters.

Flagler County Emergency Management is accepting applications for volunteers under the Division's new volunteer Program. The FLAGLER EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT VOLUNTEER (FEMV) organization is open to all residents of Flagler County. All volunteers in this organization will be trained, issued uniform shirts and an identification badge. FEMV members will be under the direction of Flagler County Emergency Management and will be utilized for preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation efforts.

Flagler Emergency Ops.
Flagler County Boys & Girls Club:

Boys & Girls Clubs have been strategically placed in eight communities in the areas of greatest need within Volusia and Flagler Counties. We provide safe environments for youth during non-school hours, Monday through Friday, select weekends and summer. Our strategy is simple yet sets us apart from other youth service agencies. We believe in giving young people the opportunity to excel. We create an environment where they learn to value themselves and others. We give them a place to fit in and feel welcome.The Clubs offer young people adults who respect and listen to them, a safe environment, and constructive activities that channel youthful energy into challenging pursuits. Additionally, we engage adult family members through educational and personal development opportunities. Our traditional values and the belief that every child has the inherent ability to be great is what positions us in the forefront of youth development.

boys and girls club of america flagler county florida
Boys & Girls Club
Baiata Bird Sanctuary:

The Baiata Bird Sanctuary is named after Mary-Lou Baiata, the long-time owner of Nature Scapes and the birds before her passing in the summer of 2014. The BBS is a Florida non-profit organization and a 501 C corporation designed to help rehabilitate and rehome abused or neglected parrots. The sanctuary provides a safe haven for the pet birds of Flagler County and surrounding counties that need help. The BBS officially started on August 7, 2014 with 6 parrots and those same six are flourishing under the daily and watchful care of the volunteers. 

Bird Sanctuary
the sheltering tree flagler county florida
The Sheltering Tree Flagler:

The Sheltering Tree is a non denominational civic organization created by the FCFAC to provide cold-weather shelter during the many nights per year that the temperature drops below 40 degrees in Flagler County. Over the 5  years the shelter has been in operation, the number of nights below 40 degrees has varied from 9 to 40.


First United Methodist Church of Bunnell currently leases space in their fellowship hall each Nov-March to FCFAC for the cold-weather shelter. The shelter facility is open to anyone who has no place to sleep, inadequate heat or is in need of comfort from the harsh

weather. The Sheltering Tree program serves meals, distributes clothing, provides "grace bags" filled with toiletries and creates a warm welcoming, safe environment to get a sound nights sleep.


The Sheltering Tree facility can accommodate between 30-35 people. Open from 6 pm to 7 am, the shelter is a short respite from the cold nights that many of our homeless population endure.

The Sheltering Tree
Volusia/Flagler Turtle Patrol:

 The Volusia-Flagler Turtle Patrol is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of sea turtles. The group patrols 25 miles of beach in Volusia County, 18 miles in Flagler County and 2.5 miles in St. Johns County from May 1st through September, looking for turtle crawls. When we find a fresh crawl, we determine whether it is a nest or false crawl (non-nesting emergence), then we mark the nest with four stakes and survey ribbon, affix a FFWCC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) sign stating that it is a turtle nest and not to disturb it. We also complete a nesting report and plot the crawl on an aerial photo.

We can always use more dedicated volunteers that can commit their time to this worthy cause. Morning Patrol starts as early as 6 am and can last several hours. The schedule is flexible with individual hands on training. You will be gathering information important to long term survival and understanding of the sea turtles. The season begins with Turtle Fest in April and we have one meeting each month during turtle season.

If you find a sick or injured turtle call 1(888)404-3922
Flagler Turtle Patrol

The mission and purpose of the African American Cultural Society, Inc. is to preserve and perpetuate the cultural heritage of African Americans through social, educational, artistic and intellectual activities. Membership is open to all interested persons. We are located in the heart of Palm Coast, Florida.

African American Cultural Society

For 30 years, Family Life Center has been committed to serving the needs of families impacted by Domestic and Sexual Violence. Our services have continuously evolved with our community’s needs.    Today we are Flagler County’s ONLY certified Domestic Violence Shelter and Rape Crisis Center.

We have multiple volunteer opportunities. Whether you want to work in direct participant services or as behind the scenes support, we have a need and a place for YOU! Your interest in serving is a much-needed blessing to the Center and to the families we help.

Please contact Sandy Hollett, Community Relations Coordinator at (386) 263 3084 x. 805 or email

Family Life Center

Citizen Observer Patrol (C.O.P.)

Would you like to help keep your community safe? Would you like to make a difference? Are you service oriented? Do you work well in a challenging environment? Whether you are retired and interested in public service, a business member who wishes to give back or a community member that just wants more, volunteering for the C.O.P. may be right for you!

To learn more contact Greg Feldman, Volunteer Services Manager at (386)586-4814 or follow the link below!

Citizen Observer Patrol (C.O.P.)

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