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 Hurricane Matthew Aid for residents:    

Flagler County residents can call the help line at (386)586-5111

Flagler County Public Information Officer : (386)313-4039






Helpful Links

After A Hurricane

  • Listen to local officials for updates and instructions.

  • Check-in with family and friends by texting or using social media.

  • Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe.

  • Watch out for debris and downed power lines.

  • Avoid walking or driving through flood waters. Just 6 inches of moving water can knock you down, and fast-moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

  • Avoid flood water as it may be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines and may hide dangerous debris or places where the ground is washed away.

  • Photograph the damage to your property in order to assist in filing an insurance claim.

  • Do what you can to prevent further damage to your property, (e.g., putting a tarp on a damaged roof), as insurance may not cover additional damage that occurs after the storm.


  • Be Patient. Access to affected areas will be controlled. You won’t be able to return to your facility until search and rescue operations are complete and safety hazards, such as downed trees and power lines are cleared. It may take up to three days for emergency crews to reach your area. It may take 2-4 weeks before utilities are restored. On barrier islands, it could take much longer.

  • Stay Tuned to Local Radio stations for advice and instructions about emergency medical aid, food and other forms of assistance.  (92.7 FM, 98.7 FM, 100.9 FM, 106.3 FM and 15.50AM)

  •  Security Operations Will Include Checkpoints. It will be critical for you and your employees to have valid identification with your current local address as well as something to prove your employment and need to get back into the area. It is recommended that businesses contact the county emergency management agency and local jurisdiction to determine what specifically would be required.

  • Avoid Driving. Roads will have debris that will puncture tires. Don’t add to the congestion of relief workers, supply trucks, law enforcement, etc.

Status Updates

  • A Disaster Recovery Center to help Flagler residents recover from Hurricane Matthew is now open.The Flagler County recovery center opened Wednesday in the Palm Coast Library, 2500 Palm Coast Parkway NW. The center is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.

  • The curfew has been rescinded in Flagler Beach. There is no curfew anywhere in Flagler County. 

  • The Beach is opened from 1st-9th south with limited access and fully open north side with limited access points.

  • State Road A1A is closed in Flagler Beach between South 8th Street and South 22nd Street.

  • State Road A1A is closed to through traffic in the unincorporated areas of Flagler County immediately north of Beverly Beach.

  • Regular household waste collection has resumed. The collection schedule will be the normal collection schedule. This includes recycle collections.

  • County residents are asked to place any storm-generated debris on the public right-of-way. Debris removal operations will begin on Monday, October 10.

  • The public right-of-way is the area of residential property that extends from the street to the sidewalk, ditch, utility pole, or easement on PUBLIC ROADWAYS.

  • Keep vegetative debris (woody burnable debris such as limbs and shrubbery) separated from construction and demolition debris, as they will be collected separately.

  • Only debris that was generated from the storm will be collected. Bagged debris should not be placed on the public right-of-way; only loose debris will be collected.​​​

  • For general questions, please use the info. call-in line at 386-586-5111 or Hours of operation are changing to 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Use 9-1-1 for medical emergencies.

Please call 1-800-4-OUTAGE

(1-800-468-8243) to report a hazardous condition like a downed power line.


  • Avoid Downed or Dangling Utility Wires. Metal fences may have been “energized” by fallen wires. Be especially careful when cutting or clearing fallen trees. They may have power lines tangled in them.

  • Beware of Snakes, insects or animals driven to higher ground by floods.

  • Enter Your Facility With Caution. Open windows and doors to ventilate and dry the building.

  • If There Has Been Flooding, have an electrician inspect the office before turning on the breaker.

  • Be Careful With Fire. Do not strike a match until you are sure there are no breaks in gas lines. Avoid candles. Use battery-operated flashlights and lanterns instead.

  • Use Your Telephone Only for Emergencies to keep lines open for emergency communications.



  • Fueled by Gas, generators can run appliances and fans.

  • Sizes range from 750 watts that will run a fan and a light up to 8,000 watts that will practically run a house (except for the air conditioner).

  • If You Have Lost Power, don’t connect a portable generator to the building wiring (this could injure or kill neighbors or electrical crews).

  • Plug equipment, computers, etc., directly into the generator.

  • Place Generator outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Don’t forget to check the oil every time you add gas. Conserve fuel by alternating appliances. For example: Refrigerators can be kept cool by supplying power eight hours a day. Refrigerators require 400 – 1,000 watts.



  • Make Temporary Repairs to correct safety hazards and minimize further damage. This may include covering holes in the roof, wall or windows and debris removal.

  • Recovery – for the purpose of assessment please have a letter naming all essential assessment personnel to be allowed back onto your property.  IDs will be required when those persons are entering back into a disaster area.  They should also have a copy of the letter granting them access permission to your property in their hand at the time of reentry.  This will also be the case for property managers.  Please email letters to

  • Protect Yourself From Contactor Fraud. Only hire licensed contractors to do repairs. Check with the local Building Department to ensure the contractor is licensed. If you hire a contractor, don’t pull the permits for them. If the contractor makes this request, it may be an indication that he is not properly licensed.

  • Take Photographs of All Damage before repairs and keep receipts for insurance purposes.

  • After Assessing Damage to Your Facility, contact your local building department for information on required building permits. Permits are always required for any kind of demolition or permanent repairs, reconstruction, roofing, filling, and other types of site development. Report illegal flood plain development to your local building department.

  • Local Ordinances Do Not Permit Dumping in drainage canals or ditches because it causes backups and overflow in the system. Report illegal dumping.



  • Whenever widespread flooding occurs, there is a potential for bacterial contamination. Bacteria, such as shigella and salmonella, can lead to life threatening dehydration for people if untreated by antibiotics. Disinfect any tap water you drink or use for cooking or cleaning. You must purify the tap water until officials notify you of its safety. Bring water to a rolling boil for a full 10 minutes or use chemicals (8 drops of chlorine bleach or iodine per gallon) or water purification tablets as directed. Let the water sit at least 10 minutes before using. Water you saved in clean containers before the storm will be fine for 2-3 weeks. To be sure, add 2 drops of chlorine or iodine per gallon before drinking.



  • Call professionals to remove large, uprooted trees, etc.

  • Always use proper safety equipment such as heavy gloves, safety goggles, heavy boots, light colored long-sleeve shirts and long pants.

  • Tie back long hair, and wear a hat and sunscreen.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, rest and ask for help when you need it.

  • Lift with the legs, not with the back.

  • Don’t burn trash.

  • If you can’t identify it, don’t touch it.

  •  Be extremely careful with a chain saw and always heed safety warnings.

Clean Up
State provided insurance, fraud tip lines:

Concerns about insurance representatives should be directed to one of the following numbers:        

  • Florida Department of Financial Services, 877-693-5336

  • Fraud Tip Hotline, 800-378-0445

  • Arson Tip Hotline, 877-662-7766 

  • Public Assistance Fraud, 866-762-2237

  • Unclaimed Property, 888-258-2253

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