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Day of Randomness

Today was a bit of a mish-mash of things. Lili had a school meeting around lunchtime but after that we decided to order pizza and pick up a few things at the grocery. Thats when the weirdness began... we ordered 2 large pizzas (using a coupon) and instead were delivered 4 mediums... OK...


Next we walked past the hospice Scotland charity shop and they were high lighting their new collection of for sale YMCA Ken dolls... OK...


And lastly we walked to Tesco and were confused by the amount of people leaving the store with what looked like a dog food bag sized bag of pasta... untill we went inside and saw that the Tesco "deal of the day" was a MASSIVE amount of dry pasta for 2£... so guess who went home with a ton of pasta???? US! On a lesser note why is it you can get a ton of pasta for cheap but 1 box of Lucky Charms is still the US equivalent of $8.50 a box??? Priorities people!!


Anyway, like we said, not much happened today but what did was pretty random.

More soon!


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