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Bed forts & books

Lili has this week off from school... only technically... it's her "reading week" she has books and essays to read for each class before next week so guess what we did today!? We went to the Morningside Library and got a swanky library card and then went home and built a bed fort... what? If you are gonna' force a girl to do homework on her "week off" you better think of a way to lighten the blow... enter... the fort! Or "indoor reading fortress of acedamia"


The library is only 2 blocks away and is very modern! They have ATM like machines you can use to check out, reserve, or return books using your barcoded library card... no need for librarians! Kinda a bummer when you think about it actually... but we got some great non-school related books to keep up busy durring off hours, and opened up a year of possibilities in the future!


More soon!


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