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Clear and Cold

Hello all!

Today looked to be a beautiful day, but looks don't tell the whole story. We hitched up the pup and took a walk around Craiglockhart. The sun was strong and fought to keep us warm while the wind was doing its best to do the exact opposite.

The best thing to do on days like this is to duck into the woods and get some cover from the wind. We took to wandering some of the lesser trodden paths up Craiglockhart and scramble around the woods. We found some interesting clearings on these lesser known trail.

We caught up with our normal path and made our way to the top. Scattered clouds and minimal haze gave us some incredible views south to the Pentlands and north across the firth into Fife. Our time admiring the views was a bit limited as the winds overpowered the sun and a chill crept in through our layers.

It was soon time to return home and warm up with a nice cuppa and get to work on some homework, Yay!

More soon!


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