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A Good Day for Donuts

Hello all!

The trend of wonderful weather is on its final day, tomorrow the clouds roll in for a rainy miserable weekend. We grabbed a very excited Audry and stopped by Greggs to get some donuts and then up the hill we went. With the sun and warmth following up rainy weather, all the plants are greening and pushing out flowers quite quickly. It seems everytime we head up the hill the green deepens and there are new colours surrounding us.

We approached the summit with much anticipation, the sun was warm and beating down on us, and donuts were in the bag waiting to be consumed. Audry even had a chewy to work on, this was mostly so Andrew and Lili could enjoy their tea time snack in peace and not have a beagle constantly staring and edging closer to try and get a bite.

With our snack finished, we enjoyed to final day of great weather and stayed up on the top of Craiglockhart for an hour or so. Goofing around with the camera and just staring out enjoying the view was mostly what the afternoon consisted of, but it is always the simple things in life that brings a smile to your face.

It was soon time to head back home, and we did so with light hearts, knowing we had taken advantage of the lovely weather. The weekend is promising rain, but luckily Avengers 2 comes out this weekend, so maybe we can spend an evening in the movies, taking advantage of bad weather with comfy sofas and warm tea and a movie.

More soon!


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