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A Day Out

Hello all!

Today the clouds decided to move in and ruin a perfect week of good weather. Since Avengers: Age of Ultron was released this week, haha to all those back in the States, we decided it was time to go see a movie. Our first stop was to pick up tickets to the Beltane Fire Festial happening next week. This is apparently a Pagan celebration that involves red paint and much fire, sounds like a party.

We then went to our favorite cinema, Dominion. Large squashy couches instead of stadium seating is a wonderful compromise. Of course the new Star Wars trailer was shown, it has potential.

Then the movie started. Yea so we aren't going to show it to you, but it was an enjoyable day out for a day with less than to be desired weather. You should go see it, worth the money for a fun outing.

More soon!


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