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The Chaos of Hanging Art

Hello all!

Today was spent at school, we had to hang the second half of Lili's grad school career, all the work from her advertising class. The program Lili chose is almost a double major, or I guess masters, course. She not only had the graphic/environmental design, but also took some advertising based classes. Last semester was the intense semester on the advertising end, and she produced some beautiful work, which has made its way into the advertising final show. So, last Friday we showed up, hoping to start hanging, but sadly after waiting around most of the day, it became apparent that we were still waiting for final prints to arrive so work was called off till Monday.

Monday has come, and hang we did. Lili had expressed her ability to hang, due to working at a gallery for 8 years, and Andrew can hang cabinets relatively straight, so we started on one end and Brian helped everyone else on the other end.

Between crooked display walls and a few peices needing to be remounted to the foam core, everything got hung that was available, and in fine time. After 4 hours, everything was hung, with minimal incidents. While there are still a few holes, they will be plugged for the final show, and everyone did a great job. The show looks great and we are all excited for Thursday night to show off the work that everyone has been dilligently producing all year long.

More soon!


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