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A Break Before the Party

Hello all!

We have been busy hanging art for the final show for a good week now, and with the sun deciding to play hide and seek we figured we would get the beagle out to stretch the legs. We stopped by Greggs, picked up some donuts and headed up the hill.

The weather was nice, the clouds moving swiftly through the sky added some interest for us to lay back and enjoy the day. Audry had no problem rolling around and making friends as they came up the hill, and we all took in a day that was a nice reprieve from the past week.

Finally some clouds moved in, obscuring the sun long enough to make up our minds for us that it was time to head back to the flat. When we arrived, Cash and Amanda messaged us to see if we wanted to meet for dinner. They had been at Uni setting up some extra projects for the degree shows. We all conviened upon Montpeliers for gourmet burger night and ate our fill.

Tomorrow is the big day, everyone is excited and we will have some good photos for you.

More soon!


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