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Arthur's Seat

Hello all!

Today the great weather was holding out so we called up the usual suspects and decided to get up Arthur's Seat, the tallest hill in Edinburgh. An extinct volcano, Arthur's Seat tops out at just under 1000 ft and offers some nice views over the city. First thing first, we hooked up Audry and jumped on the bus to make our way out to Parliment. Once there, we met up with Cash and Amanda who were going to come with us up to the summit.

We followed the main trail that follows up the backside of the hill. Being a heavily trodden path it was quite dusty, and only reflected the heat of the day. The trail is no nonsense, and though not particularly difficult, it is pretty much straight up, so on a day like today water breaks were needed.

We soon reached a nice shoulder that was just below the top of the hill. We all stopped, had a drink and took in the views out to the Firth. Cash pointed out some interesting spots, including the pub we were headed to afterwards. Then it was time to make to the top.

The climb to the true top of Arthur's Seat is much different. Craggy and rock laden, it is obvious this once was an ancient volcano, more so than any of the hills in the area. Compared to the start, the terrain completely changes, and feels more like the summit of something much taller. We all made it up, including Audry, and quickly realized this was not the best place to hang around. Taking in the views, it was less impressive due to the amount of people at the top. After having spent most of our time on the hills of southern Edinburgh, Aurthur's Seat is the tourist spot. People were everywhere, and seemed to be just wandering around with no regard to others. Our stop at the top was short lived as we all were anxious to get back to the seclusion of the walk down.

We started to make our way down, Audry enjoying the grassy paths more than anyone. We made our way through some back trails to head down to the town of Duddingston, the location of the oldest pub in Edinbirgh.

The Sheep's Heid is the oldest pub in Edinburgh and the location for our celebration stop. Sitting outside in the garden taking in the warmth and sun, some of us couldn't stay awake from the hike up the hill. Drinks and food for all, we relaxed and enjoyed being outside.

After an hour or so it was time to head back home. Cash and Amanda led the way through the Innocent Railway, an old abandoned rail line that has been converted into a bike and walking path. The overhanging trees combined with the breeze made this a most enjoyable stroll back to the other side of town. The end is a long tunnel, that was a nice reprieve from the sun and the cool air made us all invigorated. Cash and Amanda then made their way to another pub while Audry, Lili and Andrew decided it was time to head home. A total of 9 miles was walked and our paws were over it.

More soon!


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