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A Day for Culture

Hello all!

Today we headed out to the Scottish National Museum of Modern Art. Why, you might ask, well, we needed a bit of culture, plus there was a Roy Lichtenstein exhibition. Off we went in the usual manner, goofing around and having a good ol' time.

The gallery is split between two buildings, so we visited the Lichtenstein first. It comprised of some of his classic pieces as well as some of his later projects that were a bit more conceptual. Beautiful artwork all around.

We continued through the gallery, finding some really nice works as well as some that are the reason some people cringe at the name ''modern art''. Either way the gallery itself was quite nice, and we enjoyed perusing the art and taking in a bit of culture.

We then made our way to the second building. There sadly wasn't much to see as they were setting up for the new exhibit opening next weekend. We made our back to building number one and went to the cafe for a spot of tea.

Basking in the afternoon sun was a nice break. The weather reports had said cloudy all day, and we were glad they were wrong. Talking and enjoying the weather for a few it was decided that this was the perfect end to our day. Once we finished up it was time to head home for the pup.

More soon!


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